воскресенье, 28 октября 2012 г.

Bypass Bandits - Starchild EP (Bonerizing Records)

Released by: Bonerizing Records
Release/catalogue number: BR033
 Release date: Oct 31, 2012 
***Out on Bonerizing Records October 31'st***

Hailing from their homeland of Norway, the Glitchhop/Dubstep trio Bypass Bandits, brings you their latest release, the 'Starchild EP', out on Bonerizing Records. This release will launch the bandits to the top of the charts in no time with their clean, melodic and funky sound and a touch of humor. This release is so much more than just a banging EP. It's deep and fun at the same time. It's the perfect combination of melodic power and wit. It's funky and hard like you wouldn't believe it.

The title-track, 'Starchild' is the biggest feel good tune you'll hear all year, whereas 'DDPS' and 'Skillet' will make you bang your head like a mental patient. 'We're Cooking Now' is a completely different story and it'll put a smile on your face at any time. Though, these grooves will also make any crowd party like there's no tomorrow.

With such a variety of hard and funky dance tunes, you can't go wrong during a live performance! 

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